Music (my therapist)...
thee sound of music... can be very therapeutic... it relives your past... explains your presence... then talks about your future... music reveals thee bad... thee good... in yourself... it speaks to you... from different preference of life... but sometimes... at some point... it could hurt... and heal you... at thee same time... but... it never lies to you... music is a drug... a never ending overdose... when you have nobody... to talk to... or anybody to listen... thee sound of music.. will just do both.... music has saved my life... to be honest... I don't know where I would be... without thee sound of beautiful music... so to those... who think there's nobody out there... who would listen to them... just know... thee sound of beautiful music... will talk and listen to you.... at all times... thee world would be a better place... if everybody had some beautiful music... in their ears....